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We can help you plan your garden to fit your style, season, or occasion.

Garden Care


We're happy to weed beds, remove shrubs, or plant your perennials.


If you simply need advice about a plant or an entire garden, we're available to help.

Fill Your Space with Plants

Perennial Plants for Your Garden

These plants will bring color, texture, and joy to your garden.  They return every year with very little maintenance; they are great for pollinating your flowers, fruits, and vegetables; and they contribute to a cleaner, more ecologically balanced planet.

Tropical Plants for Your House

A garden can exist both inside and outside your house.  Indoor plants bring life to spaces that might feel materially warm, but organically sparse, especially during the winter months.  Bring balance to these spaces by integrating living accessories (plants!) into your space.


Our Garden
Indoor Plants for Everyone

Upcoming Events

Flowering Quince in Spring

Neighborhood Plant Sale

245 Pearl St. Reading, Ma

1st Saturday of June 2025

Perennials, annuals, house plants and pots all for sale, all at a neighborly price!

Carrot Love

In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.

Margaret Atwood

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©2001 by Paper Moon Gardens LLC

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